Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bro-code: A dude abides

Rule 1: Bros before hoes, on a practical level (The lowest graph is an overlap of the top two)

We worked on this from 12:00am to 1:30am and discovered why bro's love the band Phish. Next article, we take a look at Jack Johnson and John Mayer. There will be no more rules because we labeled the data as ridiculously assumed and irrelevant. Good night world.

 P.S. The graph is called the Steponwitz curve after myself and the co-creator Adam Schiowitz
-Our Best, Dan and Adam

1 comment:

  1. Quite interesting... And you assume that because there is a fish-like figure when merging the two graphs, that all men like Phish? You realize that this hypothesis is clearly able to be falsified, do you not?
